
The Criteria for each League are outlined in the image below:

  • For the higher categories (Platinum, Black and Sapphire) the minimum account value needed to reach each League status (1K$, 7.5K$ and 10K$ respectively) considers both the Perps and Spot TVL.

  • The Spot TVL that is included in the calculation refers to the amount locked in the user's current LP positions, i.e. If the user has 4 open positions of 500$ each, the amount considered for the League computation will be 2000$.

  • The Perps Account Value for computing the League status doesn't include Unrealized PnL, just the margin locked in open positions + the user's Free Collateral. So if a user has a Perps Account Value (displayed in the Order Form and in the wallet side-bar) of 10K$ but he has 2K$ in unrealized PnL, then his League would still be Black instead of Sapphire (assuming the user doesn't have 2K$ in open LP positions on Spot).

Last updated