The Criteria for each League are outlined in the image below:
For the higher categories (Platinum, Black and Sapphire) the minimum account value needed to reach each League status (1K$, 7.5K$ and 10K$ respectively) considers both the Perps and Spot TVL.
The Spot TVL that is included in the calculation refers to the amount locked in the user's current LP positions, i.e. If the user has 4 open positions of 500$ each, the amount considered for the League computation will be 2000$.
The Perps Account Value for computing the League status doesn't include Unrealized PnL, just the margin locked in open positions + the user's Free Collateral. So if a user has a Perps Account Value (displayed in the Order Form and in the wallet side-bar) of 10K$ but he has 2K$ in unrealized PnL, then his League would still be Black instead of Sapphire (assuming the user doesn't have 2K$ in open LP positions on Spot).

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