Exploring the Pools
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Welcome to Bluefin's Concentrated Liquidity Pools! You can access the platform by going to the "Concentrated Pools" section in the header of the UI, or directly through this link.
As you start navigating through the Pools, you'll see our total metrics for the CLMM at the top bar and below a list of available pools for which you can start providing liquidity. Each pool will have (from left to right) the token pair, the fee rate of the pool (0.01%, 0.10%, 0.20%...), the pool metrics (TVL, volume and fees) and the APR based on the rewards offered in that pool (which will show an icon for the corresponding reward token).
Hovering over the rewards column for a Pool will open a pop-up with the reward details (APR, fees, daily rewards allocation and their $ value)
Moreover, at the far right of a Pool you'll see two options to display the Pool Line Chart and to access the Pool modal
In the Pool Line Chart you'll be able to view the Pool's volume and Liquidity in a 24 hour range (broken down by hours) or a monthly range (broken down by days).
Finally, accessing the "Deposit" modal will allow you to start providing liquidity to the pool. You can continue learning about providing liquidity in the next tutorial.