
Our approach to security is anchored by the non-custodial design of our exchange, a transparent on-chain margining engine, and a commitment to ensuring no centralized risk for users — by ensuring that any network we build on has a sufficiently decentralized set of validators, and by providing users with options to trade without the centralized orderbook.

We believe that transparency and security are of the utmost importance, and as such have partnered with the following teams leading up to the release of Bluefin v2:

  • A full protocol audit from Trail of Bits

  • Real-time threat monitoring via Guardrail

  • Immunifi bug bounty program - inviting the global developer and security community to rigorously test and validate our on-chain protocol

Bluefin also benefits from the technical design, governance, and economic security of the Sui blockchain. Sui’s ability to process transactions in parallel enables throughput to rise and cost to fall linearly with an increase in new validators - foreshadowing a constant improvement in performance, security, and user experience.

Furthermore, the economic incentives derived from its delegated proof-of-stake model, whereby network validators are incentivized to auction off their computing power at a fair price for both themselves and consumers means that costs for the end user remain low and stable, and the network becomes increasingly reliable.

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